Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello Week 30!!!

Greeting to everyone, and sorry I haven't had a post recently.  I've been super busy and waiting for some real milestone before commenting any further than last time.  Today marks week 30 of our twin pregnancy, and I know we are all very excited.  We've been on modified bedrest for two weeks now, but everything seems to be alright for the moment.  Our surro is off to their cabin, since last Thursday, for some much needed, and well deserved, R&R! 

It's a good feeling to know we have made it to week 30, and that time is moving right along.  The holiday weekend, and a mid week appointment should help this coming week pass quickly, and with some luck we won't be dilated any further than where we were.

Next Saturday my sister and mom are throwing us a big family and friends shower.  That should be a lot of fun and a good way to celebrate hitting week 31.  But I won't get too far ahead of myself counting those weeks just yet.

I have spent the last two days taking tags off baby clothes and washing them up.  We have been shopping for clothes for over a year, so we do have a full closet for W&G!  I have also discovered that really cute baby scent that all babies seem to have, it's the Dreft!  Our laundry room smells like new baby, and I LOVE it!  Now if there were just two babies to go along with that scent! (But I am not rushing that moment, they need to stay in there for a bit longer)

I am doing well with my weight, monitoring it, and trying to take it too, one day at a time.  I'll get there, and with some nice weather I may just get out and have a few runs!

Well, Brian is waiting for me right now.  Going to get a counter top for our new bar in the basement.  Just one more project to get complete before W&G get here!!

until next time, Brave Heart!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Appointment Update

Well we had the first of our now weekly appointments, and everything remains as it was last Monday!  We were very thankful to hear that, and that we would not be heading right to the hospital.  The OB is convinced that if we do exactly as we did this week we'll have no problems making it to 35 weeks.  He's so optimistic! LOL.  We all breathed a sigh of relief, and proceed on with the rest of our day.

As of today we have 19 days (counting today) until we reach week 32.  Which is, as I have mentioned, our first milestone.  I have great confidence we'll make it, and great faith in the Lord.  There is a calm over me, especially right now after the appointment.  I'm just gonna go with that.

I actually did get an entire chapter written last Friday in my book, which felt like such a great accomplishment.  I was very proud, although now I feel so obligated to finish it.  I have 10 chapters left to go, I am not sure I have that in me before W&G arrive.  However, I was fine before because it was the middle chapter, half way through, and I ended that chapter with a mid book cliffhanger if you will.  I had always been fine knowing it was a good place to come to an end for awhile if necessary.  Now, I have moved passed it, and feel the need for it to have an ending.  Do I have 10 chapters in me before 4th of July?  I'll keep you posted.

Brian and I worked inside all weekend, due to the nasty weather, but we did get some indoor projects complete.  We got the cabinets stained for the bar and the top cabinets even hung.  Brian tiled the floor, and we got W&G's room all cleaned up after Babies Shower #1.  And I actuallu exercised and counted my points.  Yes, I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, although you wouldn't know it right now! LOL.  I have fallen off the wagon, but I am three days strong now, and I looked at pictures from a couple years ago this morning, I want to be 155lbs again!  I can so do this can't I?  I mean that's only 15 pounds.  Well, I logged into WW today and co unted points, and all day I have been focused on those pictures.  And I so wanted to stop at McDonalds on the drive home from the appointment, but I did not.  I stopped at got fruits and vegetables for the week, and I am so gonna do this!!

Well, that's all for the moment.  One day at a time, Saturday we hit week 30.  I look forward to that milestone as well!!  Thanks for reading,

Brave Heart, until next time,

Friday, May 20, 2011

Another day (22 to go until Milestone #1)

So I debated to post last night late or first thing today, I am so superstitious that I felt I couldn't post about day 23 until it were actually over.  (and I can't stay up past 10pm)

So we made it through Day 23 (to go) to our first milestone on bedrest of Week 32.  It has been a good week for our surro on her first few days and she is keeping herself busy while sitting or laying down, so that's good, and she's listening to her body.  She wants to keep the babies in as long as possible as well, and has a great support system around her.  Her fiance works nights so her mom and his mom have been coming over every night to be with her and her three kids.  That's a great support system.  She's doing what the OB said because we both know that he'll put her in the hospital on Monday if anything has changed at all.

I'm doing alright knowing she's resting and off her feet, and also knowing this has happened with all three of her kids, but it wasn't as significant then because it was a single baby, and she was never working at this point.  So, we figure par for the course at this point, just take it easy.

We've all joked (O, her fiance J, my partner Brian and I) that of all four of us this was the worst person to happen to.  She and Brian are so much alike, move, move, move, and that I should have been the one on bedrest.  I could live a lifetime sitting and watching my favorite TV shows.  I would have pulled out my 14 seasons of Dallas and started the marathon!)

Of course she called me yesterday and told me that her boobs were full, maybe TMI, but we share everything with one another.  We discussed starting to pump to relieve the pain (we did not) but we called the hospital and asked about pumps and they quickly told us NOT TO DO THAT!  Unless we wanted to be having the babies that afternoon.  We quickly changed our plans.  Too bad though we would have had a great supply going.

So, that was the day, nothing significant.  I think everyone's in good spirits, and just taking it one day at a time.  We have our milestones all mapped out, and an appointment on Monday afternoon.  Hopefully we'll be in the same place we were last Monday.  One can pray, right?

I'm going to try and go with the good and attempt to avoid eating out of habit, nervousness and stress.  I really need to lose some pounds here before W&G are born.  I would never forgive myself if I was not at my goal weight in their baby pictures.  I can do it, I just need to follow the Lord through this, and allow him to guide me.  W&G are doing fantastic, and we got the steroid shot (Which I think maybe did the boob thingy) and W weighs 3lbs2oz which I think is pretty good for 28 weeks.  I wish his sister G could get there, but she's close, and maybe she will be soon.  I love my little babies more than anything in this whole world, they are my life, and they always will be.  There's nothing I won't do for them, which is why I need to get in shape so I can make sure I am here for them in health.

Well, I suppose that's all for now.  Here's to a great Day 22, and that we get to our first milestone!

Thanks to my followers, and hello to any new ones.  This I think will definitely make me feel better.  I really enjoy writing, so also need to use that outlet.  I have a book to finish writing if I can before W&G get here.  Maybe I'll jump back into that and write a chapter today.  I'll keep you posted!  It's funny this series I started actually began as a short story on my old MySpace blog.  It's a trilogy, and knowing book 3 may not happen for a few years seems to tell me to at least try and finish book 2!  Sounds like a good outlet to me!

Peace, and brave heart, until next time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Testing things out

So I have never had a blog before, at least not since back in the days of MySpace, where I used to blog all the time.  Wow, that does seem  like a lifetime ago now.

Anyway, I thought as so many people have blogs I would start one as well, maybe it will be a great place for me to type out my emotions as to everything going on with our journey to being parents.  Well, at least my personal journey, I wouldn't wish to speak on behalf of anyone else and theit feelings.  I would only be guessing.

As many people already know we are currently 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant with Twins, and this week we have been put on restriction because the cervix of our surro is open the size of the OB's finger tip.  Yikes!  Of course I am freaking out and scared, but I am also trying to look on the bright side of things.  That mainly being that the twins are doing really well at this point, and we didn't get put on hospital bedrest.  Which has to be a good sign, I hope.

I won't go on too much right now as I did already post this on the forum site, but I will update this as the days and weeks go by.  For now we are on a countdown to 32 weeks, which is 24 days from today.  That's our first goal, our first milestone.  We'll set new ones after that, our long range goal being July 4th!

I know our surro is really strong, so I need to find my strength so I can be ready for everything which lies ahead.

Brave Heart!